Professor's grant links scholars worldwide

October 10, 2018

Spider Pride

pribble inlineWe can all agree Richmond professors are committed to their students, but they exhibit the same dedication to others in their fields of study, too.

Political science professor Jenny Pribble is the latest example. She is one of eight scholars awarded $20,000 from the University of Costa Rica for a project that will advance research on Latin American social policy. She and her team are working to expand and improve a public web portal that connects experts, research, and teaching materials.

“This new grant will strengthen and consolidate a network of scholars from different disciplines, institutions, and countries who all share a commitment to studying social policy formation and change in Latin America,” Pribble said.

The grant will also fund a new effort to improve comparative social policy teaching materials for undergraduate and post-graduate classrooms. 

Congratulations, Dr. Pribble! We are so proud of your work building relationships between scholars and decision makers around the world.

Read more about the project